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Test / practice exam in September 2008, questions


Organizational Structure (EBP670C05)

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Studiejaar: 2008/2009
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faculty of economics and business

international business and management

Intermediate Exam 1

International Management I 2008-


Coordinator: B. Pennink

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Good luck!

  1. The assumption that organisations are made of interrelated subparts is typical for the

a. Goals-attainment approach of organisational effectiveness. b. Systems approach of organisational effectiveness. c. Strategic-constituencies approach of organisational effectiveness. d. Balanced scorecard approach of organisational effectiveness.

  1. The strategic constituencies approach is preferred when ...

a. A clear connection exists between inputs and outputs. b. Goals are clear, time-bound and measurable. c. Constituencies have a powerful influence on the organisation, and the organisation must respond to demands. d. The constitutional part of the organisation is complex and the environment demanding.

  1. Which metaphor fits with the assumptions of the strategic constituencies approach? The organisation as a ...

a. Machine. b. Brain. c. Political arena. d. Text.

  1. The best term for describing a minimal amount of excess organisational resources is:

a. Flexibility b. Effectiveness c. Efficiency d. Coordination

  1. Which organisational effectiveness approach explicitly increases the manager's awareness of organisational interdependencies?

a. Attainment b. Systems c. Strategic-constituencies d. Balanced scorecard

  1. "An effective organisation successfully satisfies the demands of groups in the environment from whom support is required for survival" best describes the ____________ approach.

a. Goal-attainment b. Systems c. Strategic-constituencies d. Balanced scorecard

  1. To make the strategic-constituencies approach operative, the first step is to:

a. Obtain a general consensus on the organisation's goals b. Identify which individuals or groups are critical to the organisation's survival c. Evaluate if each subsystem of the organisation is adequately d. Identify the degree of flexibility that the organisation has

  1. Vertical differentiation refers to:

a. The breadth of tasks performed in a department. b. The number of levels in an organisation. c. The number of persons a supervisor can directly oversee. d. The distribution of authority by professionals.

  1. Unskilled employees are associated with ___________ formalisation and ___________ centralisation.

a. Low, low b. Low, high c. High, high d. High, low

  1. If control lies with the operating core, which type of structure is most likely to evolve?

a. Simple. b. Machine bureaucracy. c. Professional bureaucracy. d. Adhocracy.

  1. A software company with about 60 employees delivers tailormade products for clients. Much of the software-development and consultancy is done at the clients place. At the same time none of the software-developers and consultants is capable of dealing with all the problems that during the process of development emerge. They each have their own specialties. And what is more, they each have to keep each other informed on new developments in their fields. This company will be most likely structured as a:

a. simple structure b. professional bureaucracy c. adhocracy d. divisional structure

  1. Regardless of size, when an organisation faces a major crisis, what type of structure is likely to be implemented?

a. Adhocracy. b. Machine bureaucracy. c. Simple. d. None of the above.

  1. Which structure is most likely to stimulate innovation?

a. Divisional b. Adhocracy c. Sector d. Professional bureaucracy

  1. A major strength of the professional bureaucracy is the following

a. Its abilities to perform standardized activities in a highly efficient manner b. Decision-making is fast and its operations are flexible c. It offers convenient opportunities to train and develop potential general managers d. High levels of autonomy for the specialized operating core

  1. According to Chandler...... ‘If the product diversification strategy is high, what can you say about the structure?

a. Nothing. b. The structure will be simple. c. The structure will be functional. d. The structure will be divisional.

  1. Could strategy follow structure?

a. Yes, as long as there is no influence of power and politics b. Yes, as structure may limit strategic choices and channel strategy in certain directions c. No, it is always the other way around. Structure follows strategy d. No, as until now, research has proven that this is impossible

  1. An organisation which seeks to minimise risk and maximise the opportunity for profit tends to be a(n):

a. Prospector b. Defender c. Analyser d. Reactor

  1. The planning mode describes:

a. The organization as having ever changing goals b. Strategy as a set of guidelines developed in advance c. Strategy as a changing pattern which necessitates constant planning d. Strategy as a composite of goals and means that emerge over time

  1. Which strategy is dependent on mimicking the successful actions of others?

a. Analyser b. Defender c. Prospector d. Reactor

  1. Heavy advertising expenditures are most likely to be used by firms pursuing which strategy?

a. Cost-leadership. b. Differentiation. c. Reactor. d. Evolutionary.

  1. In which organisation is centralisation the highest?

a. In large organisations b. In medium sized organisations c. In small businesses d. It depends. It is impossible to generalize this question

  1. The research conducted by the Aston group found that increased size is associated with:

a. A decrease in frequency of recurrent events b. Greater specialisation and formalisation c. No effect on structural components d. An increase in the administrative component

  1. Which one of the following is true about the relationship between size and complexity?

a. Size has a positive relationship with spatial dispersion b. Size has a significant influence on vertical differentiation c. Size affects complexity at an increasing rate d. None of the above

  1. Large organisations have __________ than small organisations.

a. Less formalisation b. More environmental dependence c. More centralisation d. More slack resources

  1. Downsizing is:-

a. A decline in sales and profits b. An unplanned reduction in personnel c. A steady reduction in personnel d. A planned reduction in personnel

  1. Which statement about downsizing is correct:

a. After downsizing morale amongst the employees increases b. Downsizing is usually a well structured operation c. Downsizing leads to successful cost saving d. Downsizing is often attempted in a random manner

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Test / practice exam in September 2008, questions

Vak: Organizational Structure (EBP670C05)

491 Documenten
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faculty of economics and
international business
and management
Intermediate Exam 1
International Management I 2008-2009
Coordinator: B.J.W. Pennink
Before you start:
Answer the questions on the separate examination form that has been handed
Fill in the version number in the first red line.
Also don’t forget to fill in your name, course name and date.
Finally, the grey area at the upper left side specifies how to enter your student
You must also fill out your student number on the exam.
Please note the following:
Read each question carefully.
You have to select a single answer to each question. Whenever you think that
more answers are appropriate, make sure to select the best answer available
(e.g. most complete, most specific).
Neither calculators, nor any other equipment are needed. It is not allowed to
have them on your desk. You are allowed to bring a dictionary to the exam.
Hand in the exam and the scrap form when you’re finished.
Good luck!

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